41 Shades of Grey: The Tweet Life of Stoke City : 2016-17 Online

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Twitter is the home of instant opinion. Joy, anger, frustration, humour, wisdom and dejection are all expressed in just 140 characters. Stoke City fans display all of these emotions in this compilation of their best tweets of 16 17.
David Lee has compiled a match by match chronology of Stoke s 2016 17 season, with the funniest and most insightful tweets of the Potters best tweeters.
Included are gems from Trouserdog? @TrouserdogSCFC such as First half was about as much fun as staring into the bowl of an unflushed public toilet for 45 mins. Second half much better.
and Espleypotter? @Marcespley shows why this book will appeal not just to Stoke fans, but to fans of mid-table clubs everywhere Second to last on MOTD, we are improving
You ll laugh out loud at the humour, (some of it gallows), nod in agreement and shout at some comments in disagreement. But one thing you ll certainly be doing is enjoying the book.
About the Author
41 Shades… is David Lee s 12th book, and his 5th about Stoke City. Other Stokie books include You Could ner Make It Up! and Stoke City s Greatest Games.
He has also written a best-selling biography of Tony Pulis entitled Triffic!, and a 50th anniversary book on England s World Cup winners, The Golden Boys Of 66.
His irreverent humour is often seen oozing gamely out of a number of papers and periodicals. Naturally enough he s a Twitter man.
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